Friday, July 1, 2005

cat bait: my greedy cat turtle came in quietly, and demurly lurked by the chair in the living room. I passed her 3 times and she was paying very careful attention to me. I knew she had something but i wasn't sure what. Then I heard the little cat cries that make me know she has prey, so I investigated. When she saw me she lunged for the lizard trying to eat it down before I got to her, but she was distracted so the lizard escaped. Safety first you know, so I donned some gloves, picked up the rather sluggish lizard and carried him outside. pretty cool eh? sort of a squishy looking lizard wouldn't you say?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha! So that's the famous little guy that was so close to death in dear turtles mouth. He's frickin' impressive! Go Turtle....