Friday, March 4, 2005

bagel coma

it's all very funny until it happens to you.

i didn't ride my bike and i ate my free bagel as it is friday. so where is the sugar to go. bcs my tank isn't empty. there's no recharging necessary. i am simulatenously feeling like i have to get the fuck out of here or slumping over on my desk. i'm trying to do neither but the sugar-free hot chocolate and sunflower seeds really aren't doing much. consequently i'm cranky. I'm in a bagel induced haze. i've already sent out two surly emails and i add just enough of a comedic twist that people think i'm funny and amusing rather than really angry and pissed off- which in my opinion is a very fine line when employing sarcasm and of course, my sparkling wit. i feel quite apt currently to enter into a moliere comedy- head hanging, hand supporting the inclination to tip sideways from the table. perhaps if i passed out i might have misanthrope written across my forehead. that would be fun. (i'm learning a lot about latin roots and stuff for the word of the day. my dream is to have the complete OED one day. that would be cool. like mis meaning hate puts a new twist on mis-understanding.)

so i wake up and have misanthrope written across my forehead and well it's probably best i don't have a drinking problem bcs having been made an ass of and then realizing how disaffected with humanity you are all in one waking moment might be a bit much. it's not surprising why characters like these end up dead in the next act.


mendacious said...

by the way we've reached our 1000 visitor (uh, joahnn i don't think it was you). we're going to be doing some out sourcing and the look of our website will be changing. i hope you all stick with us during this new and exciting time!

SW said...

love the new look. congrats on the 1000th visitor!