Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I had a funny dream a couple of nights ago. Did I tell you? I did tell you. Its still with me. Amidst a vague apprehension that I'm going to be that kind sweet old woman in the corner who never married but seemed to be a trooper despite that one sorrow of her life. I was in that kitchen and my boyfriend says, that the one thing he wants from me is a can opener. And I go to a drawer and start to write his name on a small odd looking one but then I realize there's another can opener that I'll give him. Danica thinks that I should buy the can opener so that if there's talk from any boy i meet about can openers i'll know it was a sign from God. Or better yet, out of the blue a boy who doesn't know just hands me the can opener I'm imagining in my mind. We'll see. I had another strange dream last night. I went into this apt and i was like, wow its such a big apartment near the beach! And the more i toured it the bigger it got. And the apt suddenly opened up into a hotel with a long lobby, and a wall of telephones and different areas to sit, and it was an old hotel too, sort of dark, orange, woods like from the 70's- And i thought they got a deal on the apt but really! how awkward, that anyone can just wander into your rooms at any point if they think its part of the hotel. And then i couldn't fit into this old stall, that was the womens restroom. Like it was the size of a linen closet with a wicker door, and I didn't know how any women could fit in there so I went to the mens bathroom which was only slightly more spacious, and then later there was a woman who pointed out this guy named RayR*y who was one of the painters on set and said, oh I used to date him. And i went OMG I know him! Hey RAYR*Y! And then I went OMG! there's Sc*lly! And I ran up to say hello and give him a hug. And then my pastor came by who is my age mind you with a group of guys and they started mocking just a bit Sc*lly and his biker gang who were the MessngersofRecovery-Like ooo! MessngersofRecovery! HA! And I was like no sc*lly, don't knock him out, he's just a little drunk, he doesn't know what he's saying, but another of the gang flew up and punched Joseph right in the face and i was having to keep a brawl from breaking out. And he was on the ground with his head lowered. And I got him up and i was leading him away and he sort of became not quite him, mute and unresponsive but i was like lets keep going, back off guys, he didn't mean it. Then I woke up.


Otherwise its a day without dvds to watch. I haven't started on the essays but I'm planning on it. I did some reading outside until I couldn't see the words and thought of you as I was like, oh yah, here we come base tan. I probably should celebrate my year of unemployment date by actually looking for a job. Ironic maybe? Appropriate? That's not really unti Friday though. But I feel some sort of ritual must be performed. I'll have to write you another letter with more conjecture about it, or maybe what I decide on doing. I feel I've blogged this very last sentence before. Hmm. Alas.



Dreams are cool. said...

Cool dream. Any relation to Rachel at the well?

I can't wait to hear what happens next.

~sarah said...

Maybe you should warn Joseph? : )

pen said...

I don't know about the dreams, but I know I want to start watching Modern Family on hulu. Someday...

Daniel Bruckner said...

If you ask me I think the sun is baking your brain!