Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Dear Penelope,

Last night I dreamed there was this couple trying to escape the secret police. They were rich and were trying to be smuggled out. I don't think it worked. But I remember being her and spilling a suitcase and touching the fabrics like i was me, remarking on the silk blouse and raw silk of the dressing gown, the deep midnight blue of the colors and the dark mahogeny all over the place. Then I was at my house and apparently a mountain was close by which happened to be oozing lava... and I don't know why but I hadn't left yet and i could see a trickle of lava moving down the street- and it was that scenario of what should i grab? I remember I had an arm full of things, but thought next time i'll know how to do this effectively and grab as much as I can- all my books, my albums, because I'd left those behind, and anyway just as the lava was surrounding the house i took off in Lolly, and it was too late and i was racing around like it was a street chase trying to escape the lava, and dodge the obstacles, and there was an entrance luckily open to the 15 freeway which I got on just in time. And the shot pulled out like a supercrane shot from the scene so I could see that even on the freeway i was dodging vehicles and I finally stopped after narrowly missing something and then me and a random person from the police or fire department was talking to me... but it wasn't like i was going to be in trouble or anything- so that was refreshing even for the harrowing narrowly escaping lava part...


pen said...

It's not your one-year anniversary of climbing the volcano, is it??

Somebody's mom said...

Did you watch the sound of music before bed? That sort of movie can give a girl nightmares!

mendacious said...

i didn't watch the sound of music and the anniversary apparently was like the 12th or 13th? who knew! it blew by! :P but yes maybe appropriate. we'll see what i dream tonight. or maybe i'll just blog about the needles. oh the choices!

~sarah said...

needles! blog about the needles!