Friday, December 5, 2008

And Then There was 1, by M

There's a new blog in the neighborhood. A fancy travel one. So all of you that have left November feeling robbed over the startling low number of posts, lowest ever actually, besides that one month where we went on hiatus, and were beginning to see that December was going to show much of the same, there should at least be some travel bloggings happening on the horizon. We can't promise that there will be copious # of posts but we hope, all the same, that Schu is going to do her best to post post post and bring that writerly wit to bear. And with some much needed assistance from Penelope and Cath, there should be some interesting and humorous things to read inbetween. Naturally it will dazzle and astound.


penelope said...


Anonymous said...

Because Pen totally needs another blog ;)

penelope said...

Dear lord. Don't I know it!

At least I axed one of them before signing up.

The Blonde Duck said...

Cool! Which one is your main blog, Penelope?

penelope said...

The MisAdventures is my original. :) The LoCo started after I had my second baby. And Smartini was created by Megan earlier this year. Thanks for reading!