Tuesday, January 3, 2006

The Curious World of B.

It's best to start the new year with fond reminesce. (I will say though that the stellar accountant George @ Mandalay got my check out to me today. And once paid I can officially stop thinking about "them" except for the fact that the crew still emails me for help. And I mercilously delete them. At these times I feel cruel.)But I want to bring you back to a simpler time- Wednesday, and my director's surprise birthday party. 'I miss you', I said, 'my bosses are wankers'. (A fortutous telling.)

I sat across from Danny Bonaduce and his wife Gretchen, her brother, his girlfriend... There I said it. No monikers- no alias. This is my life. Muhahahahaha. I already got an email from B, on Thursday last, wondering what I might 'say' or 'blog about' in connection with my dinner conversation with them. And the telling phrase, "you have to be careful what you say in front of a writer". Gee. Thanks B. (Passive armtwisting? Quite possibly.) And I told him quite simply that it was persumptuous to say, that what we talked about- was worth telling. I'm not salacious. I feel bad about deleting emails from a hapless crew. How would I feel about being an asshole? Trust is that important to me. "Some" "people" still don't ""get"" that. But then again I'm not obsessed with image either or what people happen to think of me- most times. Let people walk away with their impressions- all I can be is who I am. I don't want people to think I'm anything else. We can all make people think one thing or another- lie by omission, skew a detail here or there- even dressing a certain way creates the record of the character you are to them. But I guess if B thinks I'm a prick or could be then I suppose it does matter. Friends and non-wanker bosses are my only exception. Kelly thinking I gave her computer a virus on purpose, like I was a renegade hacker- yes, mattered, and pissed me off greatly.

Needless to say, I was even conscious about the intergrity of my decision to sit across from them. I could've chose left or right and I remember analyzing the situation. Buster from Arrested Development to the table on my left or D/G to my right. But they were short people on the right and a talkative friend was already staring at me and waiting for me to sit down. So I did. And I bit my tongue everytime they said something that triggered a memory from the show, bcs they're people. And riotously funny. And smart. And it was just rad. Plain rad. I loved them in the show and I love them in real life. They're just that cool and I pray and hope the best for them. We talked about Chicago, our love of LA- family history, world traveling... and anything that you could imagine from good conversationalists. Which is what they are and I appreciate.

And this is the random world of herr director. He tries everysoften to include people in this little trip he's on. I shake my head and say, this is all you B. And if I didn't know him or myself I'd say this is pretty typical Hollywood. But it isn't. I certainly never expected it. And I can't say that I knew Bono went to my old church the 10 years that I was there, but he did. I guess. When he wasn't on tour, or so that's what people tell me.

I appreciate this world precisely bcs of events like this- and to obscurely touch a world I want but not really. I think about it more and more and I just want to travel or be a mom or not work. I don't need to do anything. I am a dilettante. But watching and loving the world I have to inhabit is what makes me a writer- and things like this are gold. And it makes me know I want to be along for the ride, and know what happens next.


Anonymous said...

That sums it up so nicely! Both the weird world of Hollywood (or celebrity in general...Mendacious heard my almost met the author story), and some of the weird tug-of-wars we get in with personal direction.

Maybe at some point I'll be a stay at home mom, but at this point I'm missing part of the equation, a large part in a husband and some way to support kinds. Plus, it feels like for me, at this point, it would be a cop out. I haven't reached that point in the journey, so skipping ahead is cheating. Or something like that.

Plus the money I'm earning will (at least some of it hopefully) pay for some travel...woo!

mendacious said...

mom, i will not be "going" anywhere. I am not on TyraBanks or the Oprah show. I will perhaps move very slowly to what appeals next... if only a fragrant flower.

SW said...

you had a chance to sit next to Buster from Arrested Development but sat with Danny instead?? But why??

In any case, glad you had such a nice experience. I can't wait til my turn...