Sunday, March 11, 2012


A weekend recap from our world, in completely haphazard order because blogger and I don't get along lately. With pictures anyway. And finding things. And whatever. Posterous is even worse. Fancy schmancy "minimalistic" designs. But speaking of posterous, this was part of our weekend, rehearsing Saturday and Sunday and then watching the actual play. Which was really good! And sweet! They pulled it off really well. K and N mainly had to sing one song, not act, but perhaps next time? They are getting there. Mainly I'm impressed there were no signs or semblance of panic attacks at participating. 

The rest - garden formation! walk to the pond! for which we now have the mysterious key! Secretly I feel like the dogs were all - what! this place has been here all year and you're just now telling us. But somehow it worked, with K.Lo managing the Bender most of the way there and back. The Bender. She listened to K.Lo and didn't drag her around. I'm so glad that temporary lobotomy paid off. 

Meantime, I cannot be-lieve you are so sick. again. And after our delightful call our Friday night/your Saturday morning! You did amuse us so. Anyway I hope you're feeling better enough. And that this hard ball of daily anxiety will gradually dissipate into your being. 

Tonight we're watching Moneyball, lamenting The Lost Hour of DST and then I'll continue attempting to zoom through my latest bookclub selection, which is a Holocaust story, which. Enough said. It's best to zoom. Literally every chapter with the 1940s girl is making me ill ~ the in-between chapters in contemporary France are like a breathoffreshair.

N.Lo showing K.Lo the Big Rock he's about to throw in the pond.
Or the chunk of brick, as the case may be. 

The geese swam by, all business.
Checking up on these imposters.
There's our garden! Aerial view.
It is right next to the deck. Tilled directly in the earth,
and the dirt is good.
N.Lo winging sticks.
Me and K.Lo.
K.Lo, lit by sunshine.
The action.
Leashes on post.
Flying Bailey.
Garden entrance, under the deck.
The fence wraps all the way around
but hooks onto the deck post,
so it's kind of a gate.
Does that make sense? 


s said...


almost anonymous said...

Fun pics to document the weekend. Hooray for the garden! And that book does sound like one to zoom through :)