Monday, February 21, 2011


I took amber to Hansen Dam. It's at its sparkly best. I was hoping the clouds weren't going to obscure so much the snow on the mountains, as it usually doesn't fall so low and when it does, it melts fast, but there was more than what i captured. Makes me think I should go on a hike to try and capture more of the range but we know how my leg feels about that. This is LA at its best as we so rarely get weather in the LAbasin/SF valley. But this is the wilderness at my door, and though at the lower elevation scant of a forest- it's pretty magical anyway... the clouds make it ever so. Thanks clouds. This is about 10minutes from my house too. Makes me feel what explorers must have felt crossing over the peaks, and then one more range to go to the west and then the sparkly blue sea. Amazing.

This is the east range.this is the west range. . .


somebody's mom said...


almost anonymous said...

Beautiful. Cold and windy?

Andria said...

that is a magical, sparkling light that beacons.