Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I am skint with words right now. It may be my xbox game addiction or the fact that i'm little aware that days are passing from one to the next and its now november. i was in denial about actually going on a retreat. I forgot to tell people, didn't really figure out where i was getting the money from and yet here i am in the hills of santa barbara on a silent retreat with danica. Very strange. I cheated and brought my ipod but mostly just listened to meditative music, and brought along non-fic reading i've been meaning to get to on prayer. I have actually concluded I am a girl who likes projects and work so my dream of doing 'nothing' is more complicated than that, but also that i spend more time with God in contemplation than I would've thought, and that meditating is exhausting and trying to do it 3x a day only yields so much at a time. Me, an avid jogger- am no, marathon runner. So there was some spiritual greed involved thinking i could ring all the moments out of the day but i was scheduled and it went pretty good. Danica could talk at mealtimes which encompassed light debriefing and banter about the glory of our surroundings. We did find the gym open and unguarded and may or may not have done a little kickboxing,tabletennis and raquetball all in one night. We had a lot of pentup energy and after that is when i got the stick to the eye. But I recovered. There are more words but let these suffice for now otherwise these won't even make it up.
(oh ps. this is totally the $14 shirt i was talking about earlier down from $60!)


pen said...

clearly you should have been wearing those safety glasses the whole time - but otherwise, loveliness.

almost anonymous said...

It did crack me up that you tagged this with baby Jesus :)

ashley said...

I don't know if I could meditate three times a day. Those around me probably wish I would, because it would mean that I would have to practice not. talking.

beauty and God are where you find them said...

Hard to cross out the line item "do nothing" on a list since you are doing something when you do that.