Thursday, August 27, 2009

dear m,

What do you think about vitamins in liquid form as opposed to pill form. Or do you take them at all. J.Lo hypothesizes that in liquid form, the body more willingly absorbs these nutrients, whereas I hypothesize that the liquid substance smells bad and tastes even worse, so it’s inconsequential. I take a pill to make up for whatever nutrients I may be missing in my diet, like an insurance policy, and leave it at that.

I may need the neti pot at this moment. My nose has been inexplicably stuffy all week. But do I want to smell that vitamin drink even more acutely? I do not.

Today in the grocery store parking lot, I pulled N.Lo out of the car, and he was wearing his “shades,” and I was laughing, and then all of a sudden my ankle twisted into a pot hole, and I fell, smacking N.Lo’s little noggin into the side of the car. Awfulness. He only fussed for a minute, but I hated the way his neck slung back and if he had been smaller… anyway, my knee and pride suffered the most damage. After K.Lo came home from preschool, she said, “Hey, what happened to your knee? Where did you get your boo-boo?” And so I told her the story of the scrape, and she said, “Did you cry?” and then, “I think you need a band-aid or something.” And so we marched back to the medicine closet, where she very authoritatively unlocked the door and opened it, all the while telling me about her new stash of Hello Kitty band-aids, from which it was very clear I was going to be borrowing. And then she unwrapped the band-aid and applied it expertly to my knee. And then later, N.Lo began to pick at the pink Hello-Kitty band-aid, and when I told him no, he backed off and gave the boo-boo a kiss instead.

I think I’ll keep them.

Meanwhile, I’m attempting to keep the thinking to a minimum except where it’s not possible.  And I exercised extreme willpower the other day in ordering one and only one item from Old Navy during their free shipping promotion, which was a skirt that I love to wear everysingleday, but it’s in a different color. So now I’ll have two. Khaki and green.

I never did the spin class, which still seems scary to me, but maybe someday? The knee doesn’t exactly hurt, but it clicks, and it’s all weird, and I’m just not sure. Same with step? Why may I ask do they not offer more kickboxing. And/or yoga. I will continue to be perplexed as they keep the schedule the same and even cut classes due to budgetary (schmudgetary) constraints.

Tomorrow is Friday again and we have plans to go to the beach (gasp!) in the evening, just me and the children meeting friends, but then again I feel like there’s supposed to be a hurricane not onshore but offshore exactly around that time? Could prove to be dicey.

Tonight is ProRun, and I’m excited, although I admit last week, I was more captivated by the all-star challenge, which I still can’t fully wrap my head around.




mendacious said...

the last time i took a vitamin was at SAIC and took it on an empty stomach and that as you might know went very badly. i guess i feel i eat enough vege and fruit to take my chances now adays. though i'm not for chewing anything. just the swallowing and even then i like making little lakes for all my pills to float in and swallowing them down... i definitely don't like to taste any of them.

poor you and your knee- the kids do win over don't they- i think they're just built in that way... certainly they're more resiliant then we are.

ashley said...

As ever, I love K.Lo. That is quite the loveliest story.

And on the vitamin front, I think it's actually better to take them as pills because they absorb more slowly and glom onto other food nutrients? But maybe I'm making that up because the liquid sounds SO vile.