Friday, May 1, 2009

watching the garden grow

I find it such a cool, amazing process to witness. Just 6 days after planting our garden, we have all sorts of sprouts. I had these seeds laying dry and dormant in packets for a year in my laundry room, I bury them in some dirt, add water, sun, and voila. My own fresh-veggie producer is born.

Here are the beans:

P1020940  P1020942 P1020943

The tomatoes have grown:



Two rows of okra! They were the first to pop through.


Squash medley:




And the basil has grown as well, I feel. I am thinking it may have to move up to the bed soon, as I don’t want to limit its growth.


Gardens are like magic!


mendacious said...

nature is like the best ever.

Its like magic. said...

String beans!


somebodys mom said...

can we have a live cam on those beans? I want to see Jack climb them.

penelope said...

I was thinking the same thing today about the live cam. They are bigger than they were yesterday!

Niki said...

So jealous! Make me one! Desperately want a garden but a) have no idea where to start and b) would inevitably become yet another chore I'd feel obligated to tend to and would eventually resent garden, especially if didn't produce glorious results. Will covet from afar and purchase tomatoes from Canada instead. Boo me.

penelope said...

You could do tomatoes so easily in pots on a porch! And some herbs... even a pepper plant. A salsa garden! I have to say, the drip hose and timer is making our lives so much easier. The chore of watering is completely eliminated.

And when you come to ILM, tomatoes you shall have. Lots and lots of tomatoes.