Thursday, May 28, 2009

that’s quite a blossom

There are two, actually. I just don’t remember squash blossoms being so big… Beautiful. I don’t know if it’s the variety, the health of the plant, or if I’m seeing everything through new eyes this year. But, I’m enjoying the show, as well as the impending arrival of oh-so-tasty squash. (The other plant, by the way, appears to be zucchini. Total luck, planting one of each from a hybrid seed pack.)


Through the glass.


Up close: it’s really about as big as my hand!



That's gynormous! said...

When you have enough fruit that is set, try plucking just the flower for an addition to a salad or stiy fry.

mendacious said...

i love that you care so much over this growing garden of you. it means i can care a little bit less about mine by virtue of your vigilance.