Monday, April 6, 2009

society garlic


My plant doesn’t yet have those cool purple flowers (which are edible) on it yet, but it impresses nonetheless. I bought it at the herb fair a couple of weekends ago, was sold on the seller’s description of a chive-like plant that grows from a bulb, smells a little like onion when crushed, but tastes like garlic. You trim the leaves and each leaf equals approximately half a clove. The flowers, which bloom in late fall and winter, may actually be tastier than the leaves, but each may be used in salads and similar. The plant is related to the narcissus flower and loves heat and sun, but not too much sun. It should do well in my backyard. I have high hopes, and am glad to have a little some extra and different in the herb department.


So Ca gardner doesn't know said...

yummy herbs!

Will it survive winter?

penelope said...

They did tell me to bring it inside during the winter, but it would probably survive in Cali...

almost anonymous said...

Sounds handy!