Sunday, April 19, 2009

Randomness, by M

Doing my best to not be daunted by cataloging and knowing I really need to write as well... but one must avoid one to do the other at this moment. Danica looks judginly at me from the photo as if to say, no, no, I don't think so. That or she's like, panorama, shanorama. But if you're ever on woodley avenue in van nuys, and you're thinking hey, i've always wanted to see a water reclamation plant disguised as a japanese garden then you must go!This is the Sesnon Canyon hike, with one of my oldest childhood friends Brigid. Fresh from the fires, we were treated with really spectacular blooms and yes, some dead trees but what are you going to do- it was a steep challenging hike and hot as near blazes as they say, but it was narrow which was nice and the scenery lovely. You cannot beat blushes of purple and yellow swathed on a mountainside. You really can't.


almost anonymous said...

Nice hike! Although it is getting to where it's too least at the moment.

penelope said...

holy shit! way to trump MY little waterfall and hike. ;) looks a-mazing. the colors are just fabulous, and i demand you take me there someday.

mendacious said...

aw, pen you're crazy. that waterfall was fake! and there was a dirty water pool behind the wall and as danica says, there was an odor. but i'll take you there and we can pick a hiking trail and explore the wonder and scrub that is the back hills of LA. of course. naturally i'm jealous of the shade and tromping thru the woods. i have no idea what that might be like. :P

penelope said...

now that you mention it, it does look rather like a mini-golf course, that waterfall. but the flowers!

our hike was pretty cool, i must admit. i want more!

California Native said...

So Cal in bloom, yeah!

I don't know that I have ever seen mustard that tall.

Andria said...

beautiful. There is something about the pictures - like a haze? - that makes them look magical and old. Like I have seen pictures like these from my parents' trip and they look the same; tinged yellow with age.