Thursday, February 5, 2009


Hi, My name is Mendacious and I have a ticket problem. In my more angry moments tonight I might have tossed the cat abruptly onto the couch and earlier taken a shot of whiskey but in my more sober moments I'm sitting here, staring into the space and thinking WHAT THE FUCK?!
It all started back this last Summer when my friend Kerry said, Are you sure? And I said, Sure about what? Little did I know about the camera and how the cityfucksyouuptheass when you turn right on a redlight which is a mostly safe and very minor infraction but still costs $170+. Anyway I delayed my trial and just now got the decision back of, yah, you're guilty, fucking too bad. Whatever right? At least i fought it. But now let's see if I can get traffic school going. I've got time. I'm jobless. That'll be $40 at least.

So then you know, I hadn't been blogging and I was all, it's a beautiful winter day, let's go hiking. So I waited for Kerry and parked @ this high curb near the trail entrance, nevermind that I told kerry to park there too- and not 4 minutes before returning the evil parking people- who I've never seen not once in all my years here- ticketed me for parking in a red zone. No signs anywhere and the paint at best was light pink and chipping. $70+. And as we were walking down, they were harassing an innocent looking cyclist. God knows what he got ticketed for. But he did. I know that much. Sure LA is broke but I just think it's wrong to take it out on us. I felt like an ass for Kerry getting ticketed too- but then I thought maybe she was some sort of curse... until
I had lunch with my friend and i was in an hour only zone, non-metered and from the ticket, it looks like they waited for me and not 4 minutes after this non-metered spot expired in time they ticketed my ass for $38. Thanks Pasadena. I thought at this point the devil was just trying to get me down. I mean that's a $100 bucks just kissed to the ether and the grinding beuracracy of an unstable civilization. But i laughed it off, and vowed to fight them both anyway, even if in the end I was found guilty. I mean in truth the law is the law and that's the problem. There's no grace. And I have never been a strict by the rule kind of girl... and it's like payback is a bitch apparently because,
(click to enlarge)
Tonight I just got this-- Not only did I blow through a stopsign in a poorly lit area of a park in the rain and in the dark, he saw that i had a cellphone in my hand even though it was on speaker and decided to cite me for that too. and oh guess what- yah, i forgot my wallet- which my new insurance card was in along with my ID... yes, please i'd like 2 more violations please. OH and can I have a side of permanent point on your record and an extra helping of raised insurance? And the guy was a dick and he was mad and shouting at me. Literally barking orders about rolling the window all the way down in the rain, turning the car off, signing here, incredulous at my lack of license as if i fucking did it on purpose. And what can you do in the face of anger. You just stare idly if you're me, wondering at what point the target was drawn on your back and satan went, go get her boys. Sure it's a weak point. this non-loving part of me in regards to the law. But come on seriously? I mean if you look at the accumulation of events is it just my time to pay up? Or what? I guess it is. It's not like I"m going to change. And I don't know if that's the particular lesson the universe is trying to teach me. Fuck the rules and all the rule followers of the world. Is it a price i'm willing to pay? Cuz you know it's going to be fucking expensive.

And sure just as a matter of principle I'm going to fight each one. Fill up the offices with my papertrails and try to think that if I lose each and everyone the money that could be paying off my debt or buying me a new pair of shoes is supporting the fine city of los angeles. I just got $367 back from the state. Sure they can't afford to pay me, but when i get it, i'll do my duty and give it right back. and some. Since moving violations are pricey.

So fuck you dark forces! God is on my side. And while yes, I could pay more attention to the "rules", these rules are irrelevant to the larger stake in my life. So it's not worth losing sleep over or developing a headache over. that's the point. But I suppose i do want to say enough is enough though right? i mean it's pretty ridiculous. 6 violations in the space of 3wks. it just seems excessive.


penelope said...

I know it's not funny. But I cannot stop laughing. Am weeping at the photos. And the tags.

Maybe it's time to take a break from driving? Say a week?

Anonymous said...

You want me to drive tonight? :)

Glad you're taking it with a sense of humor, because I would be flipping out, most likely.

The tags cracked me up, too.

~sarah said...

hey, if the 4-ticket cop doesn't show, you're off the hook for all of them. and if he does show, you can argue that it was raining and poorly lit and dark and if you couldn't see the stop sign in that mess, how in the world could he have seen whether or no you ran it?

and if they still make you pay, just write them an IOU and tell them to take it out of the refund they you.

(yeah, pen, i know i should stop laughing too... ; )

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it would help it you took a look at this: