Tuesday, May 3, 2011

oh my -

How did we only do 8 posts in April? I mean it’s appalling. A bad month shouldn’t equal a reticent month, should it? Of course sometimes life is just too overwhelming to speak. But I really feel like messenger had something to do with it. The non-public portal of communication between pen & m. We truly must not deprive our reader(s).

So even though I’m spiraling into the depths of hormonal despair, I’ll post about My Very Eventful Life. I painted (with my mom’s help) the play room – flipping finally. It wasn’t just that the cave-like paneling needed to be addressed, it was that I had started to paint it cream months ago, decided I didn’t like it, purchased the sky blue, and then never did anything about it. So it was a half-painted eyesore. *shudders* Anyway, that and the magical red table and chairs. The last tabletop coat of which I just completed maybe an hour ago, and now it’s pouring, and I hope it doesn’t somehow blow onto the deck and ruin my finish. I could see that happening. Just because.

On a related note, it’s been windy for all of 2011. It’s not my location. It is just windy. I do occasionally wonder what that’s all about – and is it a portent. I suspect strongly that it is.

Tomorrow I have to clean up said paint project and somehow reattach the chair seats? Which are blue, but they work. Americana, yo. But how do they go back on? They were much easier to remove, I must say. The furniture set, I also feel worthy of mention, is an estimated 65 years old. My dad used to play under the table as a baby. Love.

I haven’t really exercised since November. Let’s be honest. No yoga. No cardio. Nothing. It’s sad. My joints and my jeans and my spirit are all feeling it. Today on a whim I took the kids on a wagon ride up and down a few hills. I felt like Rocky training in the mountains to beat the Russian. Hauling logs on my back. Rah. Seriously it the hardest damn workout I’ve done in a long while. That’s 70-some lbs. of children, you know. My heart might have taken a long while to calm down.

It’s entirely possible that I spend more time adding books to my goodreads and movies to my Netflix than I actually do reading and watching. It’s like I’m preparing for Someday, provided these luxuries and services still exist by the time I’m able to indulge for realsies. This also might be sad, but I’m not sure.

Also, I swear I need bifocals. Or reading glasses to supplement my contacts, whatever. Killer headaches. Eye strain. And bitterness. If it turns out to be true, I find it completely unfair.

And I broke my SHIFT key. Because breaking things is what I do.

I suppose that’s all for now – lest I tap myself out on words.

let’s pace ourselves

and make it a brilliant may,


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