Sunday, July 12, 2009

The Purple in My Eyes, by M

The problem or good thing about going to Muriel is that she's a cash and check only kind of girl. Sort of limits the crazy I can get into and we can literally say, if God wants me to do this, he needs to provide the money for it. Which is something I've been trying to work on. Instead of purchasing first and figuring it'll come somehow someway. So I scaled back a high creditcard payment figuring that's where it would've been going anyway and coughed over the $175 for an hour diagnostic session.

The first thing I loved was the new patient form which included 1. was my birth traumatic? 2. what are all the major injuries you've ever had? (I love talking about myself) 3. categories: PAST/NOW: mild/moderate/extreme- and I got to circle how i construed each of the sections from family life to vocation to financial and lifestyle. I also got to answer: what i do to keep healthy, what my intent was, and generational ailments. Awesome analysis good times. Oh and dur, what sort aches and pains do i have currently- hips, knees, kneck... a crick in my shoulder.
She then informed me that though she is called a chiropractic office there's actually no physical adjustment involved and all her language swims around the term 'energy'. It's a term I'm comfortable with because I like to talk about energy I sense in rooms. And um whatever. So anywayz first we talk about the form and if I have any sort of residual issues from childhood traumas and anything I think I say, I'm suspicious, will be confirmed or denied by my body. So I say, mmm, no? She also tries to figure out what exactly I do for work which somebody, please tell me! I say well i was at this desk job for a year and then, I went on vacation, then i got laid off then i wasn't working for 4months, then i got a 3wk desk job, followed by my wacky art dept job... she's like hmm, ok. Clearly she's going to have to look elsewhere. But did I explain my frustration about the weight thing?

So I'm on the table and she's holding up my left arm and asking my body questions, and holding up my right arm and asking my body questions... and by that I mean she says "resist" the push of my hand and she touches a point on my body and if that part of the body is blocked somehow my arm goes weak. I've had this done to me before since '97 or so when this wacky guy named 'sunshine' gave me a tape to watch and then he died a few years later but i never watched the tape until i dug it out and it was all about energy realignment. So that when I got into a car accident the chiropractor was able to help the neck that got hit by the wave and now had whiplash from the lady who hit me, was able to work on me and not freak me out about it... . So she's muttering and making notes and checking here and there and everywhere and then she says, i'm feeling inspired. Is this a spiritual issue? And my body says yes. A what!? A spirit? Something something something... she's like I don't know what it means, i never ask this question like i said, you're going to have to ask God.

So I go back the next week for a follow up session. Hand her my food diary, lay down for my healing tweaking session which involves laying there for a 1/2 hour and her intermittently poking and reflexing me. And toward the end in the back of my eyelids I see the most beautiful color purple. Its this purple tinged with darkblue and it would just sort of morph into a few forms really slowly that I just enjoyed watching it. I didn't even honestly question why it was there. But just took for granted that it was something I was seeing. I get up and I am super relaxed. I say that if nothing else that's what I am. Muriel then says, well you were healing too not just relaxing. Yah yah, mmm hmm, whatever. I am sooo relaxed. She's like, did you see something? Yah i said. The color purple. She's like, that's a spiritual color. It's coincidentally the color of the folder I'm giving you, too. She then hands me the diagnosis of me and a plan-
yeast+ toxicity = a. h2O retention, low metabolism, elevated insulin levels which results in = hormonal imbalance. b. junk in the joints, sinuses resulting in aches, congestion, allergies.

My plan is to tune up the diet, heal the intestines, tune up the spine, detox!? the body (maybe), and then she put in a box on the page as if even to her it was important or at least unusual she wrote "spiritual healing"... upper cervical (so in my neck, where i got hit by that wave when i was a kid)... and I'm like hmm? Hmm.

Still I am all HMM, about it.
But again she says there's a disturbance. Says that people who are sensitive are often physically and spiritually beat up because of it. And that my body needs to know it can function beyond survival. That I need to feel safe in Gods arms- i suppose even when being beaten up by waves at the beach... but still what might that look like and feeling pretty sure you have it... though that color I saw swimming in my eyes must mean something. Because it was a calm sure place that was really beautiful, if nothing else, if anything that's what it was.


almost anonymous said...

Hmmmm :)

Unknown said...

i like to read how you writes. i hope she contacts me before she leaves. i want this. i emailed her. if i get to see her, lets compare analysises.

penelope said...

I second aa's Hmmmm. You know I totally reject the idea of detox and can't support it, especially if she's going to charge you for starving yourself, when you can do that for free. ;) Otherwise, it's definitely interesting to hear the process, although I'm hoping she gives you more answers rather than vague assessments like... it's a spiritual issue? I feel like you can answer a lot of those questions on your own and/or with the help of your faith community, and shouldn't have to pay someone for it... but as far as giving you a direction and a concrete diet plan and aiming to heal anything in your body that might need it, that's a positive thing. Just proceed with caution, my dear! Love you.

somebody's mom said...

The yeast thing, includes no wheat flour or tea and no beer, no dairy except butter and other stuff that I don't have memorized. [bad mom]
oh and no beer.

~sarah said...

i'm trying to cut out soy from diet right now. as a vegetarian, i eat and drink it a lot. but apparently it can be murder on the digestion. and i, um, had, um, suspicions. so.... about 8 days so far and things seem to be better. which is a boo because i have like a zillion soy products right now! but rice milk is yummy, so that's good!