Wednesday, July 8, 2009

good, bad & ugly

Finally, finally, the okra has a blossom! I have heard they are beautiful flowers, isn’t it lovely?


And, I have a pepper! Salsa, anyone?


Oh, but wait. All my tomatoes are being eaten by worms. A single, hideous green worm has taken up residence in my last two reds and wasted them. YUCK.


My basil, on the other hand, is nearly as tall as me. It’s staked. I have to trim the tops after so many days away, although although at this point, I’m not sure it needs much more encouragement to grow.


My random sage has pretty white flowers, and the roses continue to bloom. The zucchini and squash, on the other hand, are pretty much done producing, and today I trashed 3/4 of them, as enough green continues to grow and smother my cucumbers. I’m hoping now the cucumbers will make a comeback with more room and light, but it may be a lost cause. Stay tuned.


Lauren said...

What are you doing with the basil? Mine is getting eaten alive and refuses to grow taller than a few inches. Not sure if its not getting enough light or if the critters are the problem. Maddening!
The okra is beautiful, I think I'll do some next year.

pen said...

I've never, ever had basil grow so well. My friend told me to keep trimming off the white flowers on top and it will grow... and so it did! It's insane. I really hope the okra comes in!

green thumb in training said...

There is a product that will kill the green tomato worms. It's abbreviation is BT, if you go to a garden center they should know what you are talking about. It kills catepillars, so you want to only use it where crops are being devoured. (We like butterflies right?) And it can be used on crops without harm to people. Something to look into. I have never heard of squash quitting before summer was done. Bizzar.