Thursday, July 19, 2007


K.Lo: playing with empty beer bottle. Vaguely alarming.

House: torn temporarily to pieces this morning by 8 toddlers. Repaired.

Leftovers: so many good ones, feel there is not enough time or belly room to consume.

Mind: preoccupied with annoyingly, disturbingly realistic Harry Potter spoilers that I felt important at the moment to peruse.

Even though I knew it was wrong: did it anyway.

Trip: next week, Tuesday, to PA and NYC.

Will return: following Tuesday.

Packed? not at all.

Emails, blogging, commenting: desperately behind.

Hope you still love me? yes.

World Series of Pop Culture: makes me laugh. Feel like I could be a contender, until they get to music questions.

N.Lo: Growing, kicking, prenatal camping (as coined by Kim).

Outside: Too hot for trip to mailbox.

Amazon: better deliver. SATURDAY.


mendacious said...

i'm sorry i'm not there to eat the leftovers with you... what sort of fair am i missing out on exactly?

Anonymous said...

I would stink at music questions too.

Earlier this week I had a dream about reading the last page of Harry Potter. I think, in part based on an interview with Rowling a long, long time ago (like a couple years ago).

Cue said...

So I ordered the next H.P. for Saturday delivery, too. Then realized that not only am I in a workshop all day on Saturday, but I'm scheduled to drive directly from said workshop to a baby-sitting job. WITHOUT the new Harry Potter.

Is it sad that I'm trying to re-factor time to swing home in between those things to get the book? ... Perhaps.

daisy said...

Andrea. It would be sad if you were NOT re-factoring time.

ashley said...

Penelopotter - Happy Harry Day! Enjoy reading...I'm going out at midnight with Mom because I am so cool.
