Sunday, July 8, 2007

Name my debt mobile!

It's the one on the left! It was either "fun and sporty" or you know "young professional"... and clearly i'm not that. i've always had to stay minimumly employed for the CC so i don't know why a carbill and insurance would make my chest tighten and yet... But anyway baby needs a new name. To start its life off right. Any suggestions?


Anonymous said...

Is it that color? 'Cause then I think Penny is good.

And when did you have time to take a road trip to San Francisco for a picnic date? :)

Anonymous said...

Are either one of those Transformers?

I'd pick the one that's a Transformer.

Anonymous said...

What kind of car is it?

penelope said...

I'd feel funny having a car named after me. What if mendacious hits another beam on the highway, and oops, there goes Penny!

How about a formal title, such as "Living on the Edge." Or maybe just Edgy. Or... Madge.

Kurt said...


Anonymous said...

See, I always think of you as Pen or Penelope, so it didn't even occur to me. I was thinking the coppery color of the one in the picture. (Although the pictures of my car that my mom emailed me when they bought it looked orangey and it's a dark red.)

mendacious said...

oh, i'd call it a burndished orange.

clearly my car is the transformer one.

come on guys- this car will be with me for the next 12+ years. the name has got to be a good one.

hello, my name is ford, ford edge.

penelope said...


yeah, i suppose no one calls me penny in blogland, just outside of blogland. hmmmm.

ooo, you should call it dwight!!! or schrute. either one would suffice.

~sarah said...

what about "prayer." then you can tell people you spent the morning in "prayer." or you couldn't meet them at such and such time b/c you were in "prayer." plus, you'll be doing that a lot more with all the new debt, so it's totally fitting. wing and a...

Kim said...

I really don't know why, but Sparky strikes me as a really good name for that car. Of course, my previous cars have been named The Perky Turkey and Maurice, so I might not be so good at naming cars.

Anonymous said...

How about Bob. Like Robert, Robert Red Ford?

Andria said...

I like 'Penny' in reference to the copper color, although it's not quite a tough name, if you're looking for that. Bronze (branz, to be different) mobile? Patina? Blaze? Something about 'ignite' or 'combustion' that have to do with fire and power (like Sparky that has also been suggested)? A more poetic word or maybe even some midevil reference? Calphalon or [All] Clad or Mauviel (all makers of copper cookware)?

Andria said...

Anaranjada. I've always loved saying that name and thought I'd throw it out there, too. . .moving on now. good luck in your name quest.

Anonymous said...

I really do like Sarah's suggestion or how about: tannenbaum, as in the Royal Tannenbaums or Bugs, because he really loved his carrots.
Poppy, well they do come in swell colors including burnished orange.

Anonymous said...

Phoenix? Or Sundance?