Tuesday, February 9, 2010


i still may be allergic to walnuts b (which god i hope not) ut i can definitely tell you i'm probably allergic to soy also. super awesome. not horribly allergic but enough to stop up my sinuses, cause my face to get hot and a nice little red splotchy hive thing to happen on my chest... though the more i read the more it can include things like green beans and string beans... let alone the soy lecithin thats contained in a lot of chocolate. i mean i do not have money for an allergist. and all these cross contaminants can be dizzying... i suppose i must continue my scientific exploration. i can tell you the dark chocolate peanut clusters i had a couple hours ago did not go down well. and chocolate shouldn't ever cause that urpy unsettled feeling. i mean that's criminal. so maybe now that the wheat is gone my body is fine tuning its sensitivity. intolerance.allergy.intolerance. allergy. i mean sure i'm really glad i can still eat the popsicles but still. anyway. lame. and i won't talk about the 'no more govt cheese' wall i just hit. i think i'm good till the end of march but then its an abyss. must begin to build hot air balloon now. not sure if i can pack nuts or chocolate... but meat and most greens and rice krispie treats are still in. so i suppose its not all bad. i.guess. barring bankruptcy or death by soy.


Daniel Bruckner said...

If you need any help building that balloon, I'd love to lend a hand. It's not that I have much experience in balloon building, but I think it would make a really good blog post (I'm desperate for material!)

And I see you're meditating on sin. I suppose the way you meditate on sin is different than the way I meditate on sin. You probably contemplate sin and its effect on humanity, your own personal struggles with it, and how man's inner conflict with right and wrong shapes the world around us. While I, on the other hand, simply ponder how much fun it seems to be in most beer commercials.

mendacious said...

i like it bruckner! i would appreciate your help.

it does seem fun but then suddenly you're going down the wrong way on a one way street into oncoming traffic. i noted with some irony that the passage i had to read last night was all about authority being put over us... it was extremely unpleasant to read.

pen said...

i'm depressed about the chocolate thing, i won't lie. but maybe this is all a necessary body detox and you'll end up with this amazing repertoire of "pure" foods and i will sit idly by in envy. for the balloon, jerky.

~sarah said...

i bet you can find chocolate without soy lecithin at some place like whole foods. or something. surely!

also, maybe is this full on candida then? if you are adding new allergies instead of losing them? you may have to go crazy on a no sugar diet for a while to fix this. because clearly, it must be fixed.

i'm contemplating no-sugar for lent as i realized i rely on it waaaay too much lately for emotional regulation. we could try it together!

pen said...

i too am pondering no sugar -- well, no junk, meaning for me it's impossible to avoid all sugar -- but i keep thinking of the latest ep of 30 rock. everyone needs a "release." what am i going to do to replace the sugar fix?

blog forthcoming on these matters.

mendacious said...

ah parker! thank you for the remind on the yeast issue. true true. and i looked up some stuff again on it. and there are some similar symptoms that share the same symptoms as with soy allergies-- but on the other hand there was always an "other" even since august of, i think i'm allergic to something else- though i think wise to cut back on tea. but my allergic reaction was set off by maybe 2 inch by inch squares of fudge. i had rice krispies tonight and nothing whatever happened. but then there is something to the idea of toxicity. so i'm going to cut out soy first, do some treenut tests, other legume tests... and will only unmangle myself from delicious fruit and the ocassional ricekrispie only if absolutely necessary- plus also, i was going to fast dinner but now since i have all these food issues recropping up- it was mainly to remind me of my freedom, and what Christ is doing for me/in me... but to give it up would just be a science project and not an act of devotion- which is why i think fasting will not cut it either. what else, what else...i think the attention to all of this is an act of devotion all in itself... bcs its completely lame and boring and totally inconvinient and suckatude but God wants me healthy i'm sure and i see the benefit in it mostly ... but still.