oH MAN, so seriously- today. crazy. as i passed the police cars and the stop sign, i mostly fully stopped at even. i was having this amazingly coincidental contemplation on the law and grace and thank God for the law and for grace. but definitely more for grace. otherwise we're all lost. but i was in fact contemplating 'order' and i turned right and then i made a left and did a legal uturn and parked illegally in a redzone to deposit checks from my um jewelry commission. frickin what! still- am speechless about that. i may evey try to get little metal tags stamped with my name on them. anyway, so i'm contemplating illegal parking and the overuse of redpaint is completely ungenerous and unnecessary. its like you can tell that in certain places they just were like, lets eat up as many free spots as possible. so then off i go to make the illfated right. and this tiny old woman with short peppered brunette hair wags this grandmotherly admonishing finger at me, back and forth, with a shake of her head, like i'd taken a cookie i wasn't suppose because she was convinced i was going to get fat or because like all girls i was naughty through and through and frankly i balked and saw a little red in all my confusion and was hunched over my steering wheel with a cockeyed confused look like WTF LADY! I can TURN. I mean i'll wait till you clear the intersection but I'm within my rights! And its not like she pointed or seemed concerned. Just mad. So my rebellious spirit does not react well to authority figures who are just mad and judging. I mean if she had been surprised and gesticulating wildly at the one way sign i think i would have gotten it but as it was still no clue as i turn right, into oncoming traffic. as god would have it most of the cars were going straight or turning right and as i panicked, the world having gone completely whackadoodle i saw an EXIT sign in simple black letters and a driveway with no bars or spikes and i ducked in there with sweetjesusrelief, turned my ass around the right way, merged over the 3 lanes and got the hell out of there before anything else should happen.
it was just all so funny and ironic in hindsight. even should you be provoked to sin and led into it by your own rebellious desires, sometimes God gives you an exit sign and a way to turn it around and so you don't get smacked in the ass for it. perfect illustration for grace... or mercy really. (my meditations for the next 3wks are all on sin so ... you know. )
after that i went swimming and had some frozen yogurt. because really, i mean totally necessary. and had some lunch, watched s5 of the wire, finished my lenten necklace, and there the day went. i did burn my steak to a crisp however and have made a short list of things further allergic too- as i do have tiny bumps on my chest and impaired breathing- so far i have walnuts, and chocolate chips on the list-as i've ruled out blueberries. i further concluded if its chocolate its the 'emulsifier' soy lechitin. i love the internet so much. and i had a reaction tonight so i ponder. if its soy. because i had no walnuts today. but a handfull of c.chips. i hope its not popsicles. cuz i had like 3 of those tonight alone. along with an orange and a banana... but first thing's first. 2nd list later. i'm not sure which would be worst. probably fruit. so whatevs.
tomorrow is babysitting thorne. yoga. and there the day goes. and its uppose to rain. so i mean, you know, all kinds of fantastic.
sweetjesus, indeed.
soy lecithen, hmmmm. that's in a lot of stuff. must ponder.
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