Monday, June 29, 2009


  • planning 1st family vacay, woohoo! have much packing to do.
  • still love yoga.
  • am ravenous @ the moment.
  • it’s like, so hot outside i can barely stand it.
  • it reminds me of why exactly i want to move to the mountains. will be able to garden all summer for instance, without feeling imminent death?
  • my garden goes along. i should take pictures. one of my tomatoes is turning red. i’m not sure the okra will ever produce. i have one very tiny pepper. the beans are done. the roses have exploded! lovely. some of the zucchini have died and so i pulled part of it, but some continues to grow. but should i have planted them next to the cucumbers? it remains to be seen. the leaves are healthy, but again, production seems iffy.
  • downgraded netflix subscription as experiment. am renting some newer flicks from library, which can be obtained by reserving them first online.
  • quit twitter after a brief affair. clutter.
  • was recently given flowers just because it had been awhile. happiness!
  • projects upon return: rent twilight from library, revise fish tank, with possible new background scenery and new fish? re-fabric some backyard chairs. and um, blog more. :)


almost anonymous said...

Yay! Have fun!

jenn said...

Aww. . . flowers. :)

Have fun planning the vacation!

mendacious said...

have i ever told you how glad i am that youve come to my side of loving yoga? i do.

erin j said...

okra doesn't produce until later. it takes a while to get big enough. glad other stuff is going well... zuchini is weird anyway...
gardening in the mountains is sooo different than the coast as we don't get as much sun up here...but with a high today of 78, it is PERFECT! sigh... not looking forward to returning to the heat... have fun on your vacay!