Monday, June 15, 2009


It’s apparently the week of flowers in Pen’s garden. I’m glad I snapped a pic of K.Lo’s nasturtium, because half an hour later the blossom was strewn in the yard… sad. Hopefully there will be more to come.


The Mother’s Day roses are ready for Round 2.


Sunflower mania!


And some rather spindly looking zinnias. Cool. K.Lo was allowed to pick just one.

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In squash news, which you knew was coming, we discovered two other colors: a deeper yellow squash, and a lighter green zucchini. Sweet! Literally.

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And as for the other bed, it’s come back to life! Thanks to somebody’s mom, who advised that there might be mites. Indeed, everything in the bed, beans, peppers, okra, and tomatoes, were crawling with pesky little life-sucking creatures. K.Lo helped me take care of them, and this week we are seeing much new growth. Hooray!


almost anonymous said...

Your pictures make me wish I had a garden. Well, except for the mites, since I don't have a garden helper to spray them.

somebody's mom said...

Of course there will be more flowers and they might set seed and come back next year with barely a nudge.