Tuesday, October 11, 2011

current state

This about sums it up right here. A bruised smile. I asked for a goodnight hug and K.Lo, in her sweet exuberance, full-on head-slammed me. My teeth jammed through the inside of my lip, summoning a fair amount of blood. This morning I noticed the bruise-stripe under my lip. With a slight pause in the middle, marking individual tooth impacts. Wicked awesome.


Otherwise, what does one even say. I lost my only 2 jobs in one day last week. So that was fun. I lived through a consignment sale experience, although I won’t know if it was worth it until the check comes in the mail. We ate cotton candy down by the river on Saturday. Somehow deliciously apropos. I miraculously made it through not one but two church services and a breakfast on Sunday, with children in tow. And the first two days of this week have been a complete wash. N, K and J are all downforthecount with varying sinus and ear infections. I remain standing. Ferrying children to the doctor, picking up prescriptions and Gatorade, making chicken soup and calling them all in sick. With my bruised smile. While the dust bunnies accumulate and several hundred things are left to-be-done.

1 comment:

somebody's mom said...

And never mind the dust bunnies...