Thursday, October 8, 2009

dear m,

Ahg! I still owe you an email. I know.

So I should mention that my throat has been a little sore for maybe 3 weeks now? Just a nagging thing where it seizes up on certain “notes.” Like, for instance, whenever I say, exasperatedly, “K.LO.” The soreness inflames in that moment and sometimes my voice even disappears. It’s the Universe trying to teach me something, I’m quite sure.

I bought some pumpkin bisque soup at Costco today that I was all excited about, and J.Lo was all eyebrow raises and hmmm. “That sounds… interesting.” We will SEE! It’s pumpkin bisque, for heaven’s sake, Fall in the form of soup. And all Costco’s soups are good. So far. Speaking of soup, I made potsticker soup today. Which was delicious except for the fact that I burned my tongue, and I hate that, because then you can’t taste the rest of your meal.

Tomorrow, I’m making about a million Elmo cupcakes for N.Lo’s party, and it occurred to me today that I have no way to transport them. May need to discuss these matters with my neighbor, who does cupcakes semi-professionally. Otherwise…? Balance them on my head while driving, Carmen Miranda style?

I did meet my deadlines, although I realized today I may have left some things out of one article… could have done better. But I guess we always can.

At this moment, I’m thinking—bed. The weather’s all screwy/teasing with a/c required during the day, but windows open at night. I guess I’ll take the windows open where I can, but I still dream of my mountain house. When will we get there?

Oh—and, and! The damage on my car was estimated today at $1200. Because I wasn’t in the car at the time of said incident, my insurance has no part… which is pretty much a godsend, because seriously? Talk about the unfair. Monday, I get a rental car, for 4 days, while they fixit.

love to you,


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