Thursday, May 26, 2005


i thought about breaking up with the blog. i went back to the blog i started before this blog. this is true. it's not that penelope and i haven't been getting along, we've just gotten "busy"... i forget to check in with myself. my rambling lacquacious self disappears with routine and listlessness. then i start thinking, what am i doing here. do i care? is it important? why do i continue? i think i'll just post picture after picture and not take the time to say anything- bcs i begin to think, i have lots of pictures and- well... i don't have anything to say. nothing interesting is happening, and yet i KNOW this can't be true.

My harsh and admonishing godmother has gotten the best of me because if i had not been sleep walking i would take the time to tell you about the following things:

i witnessed the birth of a baby.
i felt the vibrations of a voice through my hand.
i rode my bike in the light of the full moon.
i participated in a wretched art fair but incidently felt incredibly blessed by friends.
i helped to found a new church.
i'm still jobless.
the garden is growing.
i continue to drop glasses and even managed to flip a fresh icecube tray over in the freezer. there was stalgmites trailing to the bottom.
i still think about escaping the country.
i'm reading don quixote.
i had my birthday.
i had many conversations and emails and movies and i cut up a credit card.
my brother called and i barely recognized his voice.
currently a re-run of the O.C. is on and my right leg jogs with the thought of exercise.
oblivion pulls me and my mind races blank.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Less words.

More pictures of slugs, please.