Wednesday, January 26, 2005

wow, I suck.

so it's been a week since a post... i blame my new job. that's right, 2 wks in- to bliss and carpel tunnel. i'm story logging for the "Challenge 10" or Inferno II as some like to call it. and aside from bordering tenuously on ruining my arms forever with excessive typing i love it. my novel will just have to wait. . .

we have bagel friday, check-man thursday, and snack time every day at 4pm. what could possibly go wrong. also there's been drama on the show already- clothes thrown into pools, lots of f-ing whore shout outs, keg stands, and we're encouraged to gossip about it. they call it back story. how could i not love this.

there is however a center atrium. and it was a week ago, when the lovely weather was filtering in through the canopy of mesh wire and wood, when i decided to lay down for 20 minutes. when i was told, after the fact, that people were watching... that it was a fish bowl... that people who make over 120k were making sure the worker bees were working... and thus they watched the atrium- took notes, and began a log of the possible trouble makers and never workers.

my people wanted to save me from this and so drew me back into the dark folds of the logging bay... the soft glow of lamps betraying the hideous faux hip finish, the cold glow of the computer moniter and the time codes lapping quickly over its self on tv after tv. the vault of tapes, wall upon wall, with binders and signs and editor doors.

i look longingly out now toward the haze of natural light just beyond. i watch the never workers and the incessant cell phone people. their eyes dart, their stance tense- surely no one cares they think. i'm just on the phone. i watch the lunch takers and their careless groups basking in the dappled sun. their question: where else are we to go? let the watchers watch and everyone take note of our daring.

on breaks i skirt on the edge of the atrium, i find the other loggers in their secret places- near the bathroom, mr. cell phone man... he has only me to fear. muhahahaha.

ahem sorry. my hand is cramping. i really cant take this any further. more soon.

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