Dear Blog-Nation,
We here at Pen&M want to wish you a happy new year and thank you for your readership because of which our screams, words and chuckles have existed in a non-void like place that is usually filled with fluff and stuff and fuzzy bunnies. As the new year clicks into place with the precision that roman calendars maintain we will be going dark as of right now. Today. Ooo, ominous. Yes, as Bruckner says, this is a stunt, a mere ploy for comments and adulation. We totally want those. There's no denying. But take heart, it's only for a month. We have some uh, things we need to do. It's funny because upon review of the first year it was a struggle to blog. We were always disappearing for scads of time- we actually waited for inspiration to strike, and now you know it comes like everyday. Like magic. And we've never gone dark not like ever. And even as I write this the secret golom part of us is rocking back and forth and saying, no, precious, no. Mainly because the blog is under our skin, is so much a part of how we communicate that without it, i don't know what we'll do with ourselves... okay there's like one thing. But anyway we'll be back in February. And we write this because we need to be held accountable to leaving. Otherwise one of us will be up in a stash writing secret posts about our last nights adventures or that one guy over there, fucking heckling us. Fucker. But look, we're assembling this blog into a book. Ooo, i said that outloud. Fuck. Anyway, wish us luck, take time to stroll through our archives and find the strength to keep blogging without us. We'll be watching. And we want your snark and your verve to get us through the dark nights, and be there when we return. Cuz we're selfish like that. We love you.
Most Sincerely, Your Humble Servants,
Mendacious and Penelope
I totally support your one month off. Perhaps this is a good time for me to take a month off too!
Excellent idea (the book part, not the dark).
You guys know about this one?
Seriously? I mean, seriously??? As though the writers' strike was not enough. Now the dynamic duo is going on strike? Okay, okay, hiatus. And since you two bring the blogging like nobody's business, I suppose you deserve a break. But I will cry bitter, bitter tears until February.
Sad Ash
It's about time.
Yay book project.
(However, the small, selfish part of me wishes you were waiting until February to take the month off, when I will most likely be unemployed and not looking for entertainment online at work.)
I'll miss you kids! But I totally applaud the deliberate hiatus. I tend to go on non-deliberate jags over here. Should, perhaps, declare a break and follow your example. Hmm.
I will slip into a non-responsive state, no guilt trips. I'm just sayin' the world is barely worth waking up to with nary a word from you two.
I would like to challenge the sincerity of at least half of these comments.
pen, at least comment on the people chosen as survivor 'favorites.' This is the best the could do? pavorti?
she can't comment on that. stop trying to lure her to blog. absolutely not. we are busy reviewing the blog. all our energy must go to it. we must serve it. we love it. we must do what we can to aid it.
for instance i am not blogging about the floats, the tequila, the rain, turning down jobs, working out or anything... sacrifices need to be made.
yeah, bruckner. you can't goad me into saying ANYTHING about how parvati sucks and what were they thinking. or how, woohoo, james will be there! and johnny fairplay and probst will be fun to watch together. and i certainly can't comment on how interested i'll be to see cerie, of all people, the second time around, as well as ami and amanda. eliza and jonathan are kind of yawn-worthy choices. james will be interesting bcs no one will know much about him, so maybe he'll go further... if not, i'll root for ozzy.
overall, though, i'd have to agree...LAME. and of course i'll watch and love every second of it.
but i didn't just say anything about that. i was perusing the archives. :D
Well, have it your way. I will respect your strong-willed silence. Knowing this shall fall upon deaf ears, forget ozzy, swing back to Jonathan. I'd like to see how he plays it this time.
As for you mendishes, you like tequila? Come on, how about one tequila story for us. Just a quick sentence or two right here where no one will see.
And how about that rain? That shit's still coming down. know...checking (hoping) to see if anyone's cheating...
No? (in the soft questioning K.Lo voice) No? No one cheating? Okay...
you all know mendacious would slay me.
Hey ladies, guess who hung out with B.J. Novak tonight? That's right, this guy!
bruckner, if you are taunting me...
Nope. And he told me not to blog about it. I though a blog comment fell into a gray area.
all right then, tell us about it in the comments.
sincerely yours,
penelope green with envy
oh geez pen! bruckner is clearly baiting you. you stop that right now bruckner! i know where you live! we're busy working on "our book"! i know my mom even still checks the blog like maybe only a week 1/2 in we'll crack but we're keeping a list to catch you up on everything we swear. you just have to wait. now go outside and take a walk.
well of course i'm being baited. because what would our being on hiatus have to do with bruckner hanging out with bj novak. if he really did, he would blog about it on his own blog regardless... oh but i forget he's been on his own blog hiatus! burn!
i'm not keeping a list. i don't have that kind of secretarial staff at my disposal. those potential blogs will just be lost forever and the world will have to suffer.
But it's true. It's really true! Oh, I wish I could say more but I don't want to betray BJ.
Mendacious, you'll just have to come along next time as a witness. penelope will believe you, I just know it.
Thanks for not coming to part 2 tonight. I wasn't hoping to see you or anything.
i was totally going to say the same thing about not seeing you for part 1 of the evening. hello! you live like a mile away from there. if i knew you were coming to part 2 i might've. you should've texted me. i owe you money and everything. but i had just seen rebel w/out a cause. and i'm anti-social. it's just too much.
You're not anti-social? You should've seen me!!! Holy crap was I a bore.
You only have 13 days left! Hurrah! And then you will come back to us.
We miss you. *Sniff*
oh my gosh. we miss you too. it's all pen and i can do to not blog. things to blog about: man in rain, throwing away presents, moms headache, mortified, fish, kmart buzzed, new dresser, new ceiling paint, joblessness, weather, lists, hair, framed photos... sigh. but the edit is going well. we're like down to 570 pages. ach. and someway of actually fusing it all together. uh... oof. no wait, we're rockstars. this is going to happen. oh shit this is almost like a blog. but i'm totally writing this to you ash bcs you care. and um... so yah. be back soon.
don't forget the petco's version of kenneth the page.
Thank you, M. It was like a like (mis)appetizer of your blogging genius.
I hope you ladies are powering through to the end! We're pulling for you!
Thanks, Ash! We're powering through, right, m? We've put in a good deal of energy to kickstart our project.
But, 10 more days, wooohooooo! I miss our (mis)adventures.
I hear you're coming to see me!
yes, yes its true! after long last.
You liars! You're still blogging in the comments section! I'll never trust you again!
hope your exercising those digits the month is at an end...
kurt, i will refer to the fact that in my mendations section we said, we comment therefore we exist... so you see... we warned you.
Rcd- we have been doing finger pushups and reps to begin again! no handcramps for us!
I hope you ladies have taken into account the tremendous pressure you will be under to validate your absence with a fulfilling return to glory that would justify your absense. All your readers are assuming that every day you stay away is being spent refining your voice!
bruckner, you heckler. pen&m will always rise to the challenge.
And I'm confident in that. I just wanted to make sure you will be aware of the pressure, that the pressure mounts.
Remember how cool Elvis was in that 68 comeback special? Well, you'll need to do something equal to that.
Enjoy your final day of hiatus! And then it's back to putting your noses to the blogging stone! Bwahahaha!
oh no. this is all too much pressure. maybe we shouldn't return. i mean what are we going to say. what are the changes. are we going to live up to it all... i mean what if we end up fatter than fat and dead in bathroom bcs of our pill addiction. what then?! what then!!
omg, stop it! i totally plan to blog about 1. the kate winslet approach to exercise, 2. wearing socks indoors and whether this is normal and/or good, 3. our new medusa lamp. at the very least. all worthy topics, you know.
Why wouldn't you wear socks indoors? Unless it's the middle of summer and 100 degrees. The dilemma I have is whether the floors are too dirty to wear socks without shoes/slippers.
And I can't wait until tomorrow to hear Kate's approach to exercise.
about the socks: EXACTLY.
screw dirty floors! socks are on my feet year round!!! no shoes!!! so you guys are back tomorrow right? i need a fix...
So M.... why are you in the attic when clearly you should be writing!
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