Saturday, April 30, 2005

to the bikes

after a risky 2 day slump of no exercise and perilously close meanderings to the edge of self-destructive behavior, i went on a bike ride. yes.

yes. it was a good time. first it's the cool breeze in your face and the feel of air moving all around you. then it's the wide open vista like i could keep going forever, or at least until my foot cramps. i used to feel that way when i was driving on the 5 freeway. i'd see the 360 miles to Sacramento and it always seemed like a good idea to keep going. and then the cooler part of bike riding besides having gear like a helmut and intimidating sunglasses is that when you encounter other bike riders who have badass gear like camel packs and lycra shirts- they see you and totally validate your journey. they smile, they wave- as if to say, i'm glad you're here. i'm glad you're joining us- our cool fringe club. isn't this great they say. the wide open- the path we're on. i smile. i wave. i say, yes. yes it is and thank you for noticing. bcs i'm trying!

the other benefit to bike riding is neighborhood awarement. not of me, although if i get into an accident or go missing someone will have been peering out of their window and seen me going by. let's hope. but besides that- at first i was like what hideous hideous houses, not to mention the horrible fencing that was vomited up from the earth like gnarled mismatched teeth of a dead giant- but then i noticed that there are new houses going up, and flowers blooming and it's quiet- some of the streets are narrowed and barely paved- i think riding by the wash and near the local hospital and the thai temple, that i am where the wild things are. not desolate but untamed, progressing slowly and sometimes slightly neglected but with beautiful gems of civilization- things that make me want to care where i belong.


bruckner said...

this is the bike story we've all been put on hold for???
Chicken receipe: good
Bike story: bland

mendacious said...

NO! you punkbastard. this is NOT the bike story- do you see crows who eat livers or coal mines?! i don't think so.

bruckner said...

Crows who eat livers???
Add some onion, sprinkle on some garlic, them's good eatin'.