Monday, April 11, 2005

trouble with margains

some might say that my poem was a cop out, an excuse if you will to avoid talking about a larger epic. bcs trust me it is epic in proportion. but some might also say that you're lucky to get anything at all. given my recent addiction to a 5 hour gilmore marathon and watching all of project greenlight2 in 2 days... i mean you know my involvement was just a little too, too. you know what i mean? i'm seeking help. no, really.

okay i'm lying. who has the time. i will say though that PG2, PG3 made me hate casting directors and studios. it made me wonder once again how i could stand to enter this business except for the fringes. i mean, i think i viscerally was troubled by the entire PG2, PG3 trend, reality, premise, fact. Like that's why Judge won't ever follow up "office space." I felt my chest tighten a few times in panic. it also made me wonder how anything quality manages to come off the page and onto cinematic screens near you. it's like those horror films that make you back slowly out of the room screaming the horror the horror, or if you're marlon brando laying down, and whispering, "the horror the horror." it didn't stop me from applying for "creative executive" at the WB today. I thought if May-bee could do it on "Arrested Development" there's always a chance I could too right? sure i don't have marketing experience but i have that creative part down pat. and i promise only as a last resort would i ever mark my office walls with the phrase, "exterminate them all." the brutes! how could they! how could any of us.

so after finishing the movie "the battle of shaker heights" with its ridiculous marketing jacket and the uninspired blooper reel- i realized i'd fallen a little too far down the rabbits hole. thank god i've got shoes with spikes on them and i'd tethered myself to a self retracting mechanism called "me." it doesn't mean i'm not a little scathed however. i realize now i need to go back to my lists, to waiting for the unemployment check, to sunflower seeds at my right hand and the cup of lemonade to my left. real concrete things like my tan and maybe if i'm lucky, old eps of murder she wrote.

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