Friday, April 1, 2005

the end of week 2

it's the end of week 2. I have to say that the itemizing of the list worked and i got 5 of 7 items done. yesterday i treated myself to a trip to the beach, bcs if i am going to be unemployed i might as well build up my base tan. so the itemizing there wasn't effective. i couldn't sit still and really every time i went into the water my feet went numb. it wasn't a matter of circulation, it was more about the fact that the water was freezing.

people observed: so there were 3 guys who ran into the water. gutsy i thought. then after a minute they ran back out. i assume they were turning numb as well. then instead of laying down on the sand or sitting on a towel they commensed standing. it was really quite unnerving and done out of the corner of my eye. so i kept staring at them. they had nice shorts on- sort of vintage, well fitting and not man-skirts that go to the knee. and i was like why aren't they sitting down. why. why. why. stop standing there. don't you know you're causing a scene. you look conspicuous! then one sat down and the other two kept standing. it was infuriating! sit. sit. sit. why aren't they sitting. then after a while the second one finally sat down but the third remained standing. i had to commense ignoring them as every attempt to rationalize their behavior met with disbelief. then later, i looked and they were gone, wither they went, i know not.

as this observation seems to be my lowpoint of blogging i can only hope i'll more effectively blog about butterflies tomorrow. but i hold no hope. not unlike theories that hold no water. freezing. numbing. water. it could be due to a lack of protein or my failure to understand the BOE sellers permit, and then the operator saying our switchboard is very busy do you have any other questions, well yes, sigh... what is it...and no i don't want to go out to van nuys! and then my inability to find a link to get a LA City Business License for an upcoming fair which I might miss bcs of being inept and failing to see requirement #14. which led to all of this in the first place. it's hard to say.

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