Sunday, April 24, 2005

Things Found Instead of Missing Document

1. Nearly blank journal-notebook w/ Catwoman on the front (v. promising)
2. Calling card with a hundred minutes, maybe-hopefully?
3. Perfect Attendance certificate, Glenwood School, 1988-1989
4. Instruction manuals including but not limited to: toaster oven, VCR, vacuum cleaner,computer, phone, calculator, microwave (not all current)
5. Regent's books for US History and Physics
6. Passport (helpful)
7. Folio file circa 2000-2001, indicating some past semblance of admirable organizational habits
8. Taxes filed 1998-present
9. Report cards, grades K-8
10. Assorted dust bunnies

1 comment:

Somebody's Mom said...

Ah dust bunnies. Carefull not to leave two of them unsupervised... they will mulitiply.
Now get out those folders and organize the papers!