This weekend was work-filled. Because I’m super-awesome at procrastinating. I mean, I got a few things done earlier in the week, but procrastinated on everything else, and there it all was waiting for me on Friday. But it’s all done. I’m pretty sure. I wrote about camping and beach bag items this time, and how to be a locavore. As well as two posts about slavery – and on a side note I hate that the things us second-string bloggers write never get re-tweeted. What is that. How can our brilliance be overlooked?
J.Lo’s thrown his back out, N.Lo’s recovering from worldsworstdiaperrash, and thunderstorms come and go. Which the plants obviously love. I mean I think if you stood out there long enough in the garden bed, you’d eventually get overtaken. Possibly eaten. But it’s all sorts of green lushness and the more rain that falls out of the sky, the less I have to pay for, so that’s fine with me.
Needless to say I’m not caught up on the book yet, due to aforementioned work procrastination, but I’m getting there. And really plowing through that L*rrie Moore, too! Mainly because I accidentally arrived at church a full hour and half early (no class – oops) on Sunday and sat in the sanctuary and read. And then another book I read about in EW – Commencement – just came in to the library, so that’s super-exciting. Because that other YA novel from last week I couldn’t handle. The parents and the little brother die right away - I’m out.
Oh, so the thing about L.Moore that I’ve finally figured out after all these years is that you’re compelled to read because you want to know what the character will say next. Not necessarily because you want to know what happens next. And it’s remarkable that she can create that narrative voice full of blindsiding witticisms about such ordinary things… but they do all sound the same, those characters. I’m just saying. I love the book like I love everything she writes, but it’s definitely a specific sort of reading experience
On a side note, I love the way N.Lo just kind of bops and dances his way around the house sometimes. Like he’s just so happy to *be.*
Last night while I was finishing up, there came a rustle from the trash can downstairs. The small one filled with papers only. Papers shouldn’t rustle on their own. So I ran away and sent J.Lo down there to investigate. Totally it was a creature of the palmetto bug variety. Shudders.
I’m plowing through my green onions somehow, as well as the potatoes. Because when one has potatoes, onions and some hard-boiled eggs leftover, the obvious solution is potato salad. And BBQ chicken, which J.Lo suggests I should grill… I’ve never grilled before. Hmm.
And I booked a van for a July trip to the lake. It’s gonna be super-awesome. I informed K.Lo this morning of our destination and she was very, very smiley.
J.Lo informed me the other day that Bailey is going to be 10 this year, which means Bender’s going to be 8. And 10 approaches the average lifespan of doggies and that just makes me sad. Which I knew but didn’t necessarily want to register. I don’t like thinking about only having a few years left with either doggie friend.
What else do I ponder? Another bout of feeling useless considering the gifts I was given vs. the ones I’ve chosen to pursue professionally. It doesn’t add up to much, monetarily anyway. Not that it’s the most important thing and not that I was ever destined to make much from any of my gifts, but perhaps I could have found a career in something else. Gone to school for something else? Not that writing isn’t my career. But you know, when you go through the listings, it’s not like there’s a whole lot of want-ads for snarky girls with a pen in their hand. I know you have *no* idea what I mean…
pen everafter