Monday, January 15, 2007


so the frost came and in order to help your poor plants who up till now have been luxuriating in a mild fall to winter... okay most of the time in LA... mom watered them before the frost hit... and thru burlap sacks over our smaller citrus trees... well then the water froze giving us a temporary winter wonderland... which we are not afforded often, though i can say, well you know back in the 80's... and have an actual frame of reference for making frostballs before school in the morning... so anyway there was some plant carnage (which didnot survive the frost)-- some that look black and liqued looking and my beautiful baby nasturtiums didn't make it nor did a few sunflowers and the canna lilies and well other plants i don't want to talk about dying... but anyway the crunchy iced grass and other things were fun and i got to wear a hat and warm sweater and scarf and everything.


Somebody's Mom said...

And in the heat (50/55) of noon, the sound of icicles breaking and gently falling to the ground... sigh.

Daniel Bruckner said...

Where did you take these pictures, Alaska?

Daniel Bruckner said...

Did your mom also hose down that 405 on-ramp where all the cars were slidding off?

Kurt said...

Be careful walking on the crunchy grass. Sometimes it dies afterward.

Somebody's Mom said...

Daniel, it will be our secret. shush.

Anonymous said...

I just heard on the radio today that plants turn all gooey because the cells burst when the water in them expands as it freezes.

They also said you should let them be for a while before hacking them off, because there might be something alive in there. (I'm not sure how long until you know.)

Somebody's Mom said...

It's very sad, the turning to mush. I am an ever optimistic gardner... there will be spring and new opportunities to purchase plants or seeds to replace what has moved to the compost heap.

Pirate at Night said...

Oh be quiet you winers ive been washed away in floods, blown away in windstorms, but recently enjoyed making snowangels and pelting emotionally disturbed children with hard packed snowballs . . . love the northwest . . . buffalo, new york here I come

mendacious said...

oh my god you commented... and hello you're used to things dying and you've got snow to play with . so there. phleeep!!! nanner nanner nanner.