Tuesday, November 21, 2006

PSA: don't store your honey upside-down

You might think it's a good idea, when your bottle of honey is running low, to turn the thing upside-down, and therefore get all the stuff to go to the top. Like ketchup. But let me assure you, it is not a good idea, and if you don't believe me, come check out my globulated kitchen cabinet shelf. (Which, thankfully, has not yet attracted insects.)


Anonymous said...

Oooo. Nice new colors. Very wintery.

I have totally done that honey thing. I thought I just didn't close the cap all the way, although now I think it wasn't my fault.

mendacious said...

why god. why!!

Somebody's Mom said...

To get the last of the honey out of the bottle without putting it all over the shelf (poor baby), warm the bottle in a cup of water and zap in the microwave just until warm. Warm honey pours more easily.

Waste not want not... so they say.