Tuesday, November 3, 2009

dear m,

I’ve started so many letters to you in my mind on paper (so to speak), including a potentially fabulous little thing about life lessons learned in yoga. But before I can finish, the bubble of inspiration bursts and no longer is my idea there. You can’t stare at those things too long, much less try to handle them.

I’m putting in my request to the Universe for less emotionality, or at least the freedom or will to choose when and where I overflow. Like frustrations with the petulant, stubborn 2-year-old. It’s not my favorite age, but still, why can’t I be wise enough in a combative moment to realize it’s just a phase and I don’t actually need to mirror said behavior. Why can’t I naturally accept that the item he wishes to handle himself will in fact be squished, spilled or broken, and that ultimately it’s okay. Why can’t I just love him, and shut up about it.

And today I was wrongly cited for a parking ticket—WTF? Penelope does not like to be accused of something she did not do. Particularly when money is involved, even if it is only $10. So the fury was unleashed upon this old lady who wrote up the ticket—tears and swearing may have been involved. But seriously? I literally could not have been in that parking deck when she tagged my tire. The machine does in fact lie. I yelled at her until she said she would tear up the ticket, and later I do feel a little bad about it. But at least I stood up for myself? I don’t know. I do feel I could have been more reasonable and measured in my argument, if not polite. Schmolite.

Oh and the Q-tips in the ears, there’s another thing I could have been less emotional about. They say not to clean out your ears (or should you? why is that subject so murky), and so I didn’t for a long time, but then I did, because I couldn’t stand it any more, and it quickly became a problem. Wednesday night I couldn’t hear out of my right ear, and I made the problem worse by attempting to flush the ear. And then I figured that while I’m irrigating, I might as well try to clean the left one as well, so by Friday morning, I could not hear an effing thing out of either ear. For reals, I believe my hearing was cut by about 50%. Was about to lose it. Perhaps did, a few times, when either mocked or challenged to hear all the little things I normally take for granted. I went to MEDAC to resolve, where they did a proper ear-igation (HA HA HA, get it?) and, as they said, I can now unfortunately (their words, not mine) hear better than I have in a long, long time. A Christmas miracle! I didn’t not enjoy the MEDAC, where I had never been before, but it is currently free through our insurance. Good place to go in a pinch.

Meanwhile (and this isn’t as big a leap as it seems, I swear), I mull the concept of seeing God in every person, and maybe I’m trying too hard, because like a bubble that you can’t stare at or handle too long, it ultimately bursts and is no more.

love, pen


~sarah said...

i hear you. (ha ha! sorry. : )

yesterday i was all emo because somehow i'd gotten my doc appt. mixed up. it was supposed to be today. but since i'd already taken off for lunch, they said they'd fit me in. which actually meant waiting 3 hours and moving my car twice. and by the end i just wanted someone to tell me how to make my shoulder stop hurting. and then on the way back, acupuncture Rx in hand, i cried again to the acupuncture appt. guy because even though he was trying to give me helpful advice on how to deal with related insurance issues, all i really wanted was to know how much my new co-pay would be if i had to pay for it myself vs. the guy who hit me paying for it and he wouldnottellmeoutright until i cried and said "i understand he should pay for me and my insurance won't like it if they pay for it instead but can you please just tell me how much it will cost me?"

being emo is EXHAUSTING.

also, God in people. yes. got emo about this too on sunday, heartbreaking for why we seem to think it's okay to hurt others, from abusing children to just being rude to someone... it isn't okay. God is in people. God sacrifices for people. we need to treat each other better and i need to treat others better. and that's hard when people keep hurting you... with trucks. : )

almost anonymous said...

Oh. Are we listing drama of the day?

We were supposed to have some inspector for the city rental unit inspection program come today. No one showed, and at lunch I find another notice in the driveway (presumably started taped to the house at some point) that it's next Thursday.

In theory not a big deal, and M has told me to stop fretting. In theory, it protects the tenants. I just keep thinking of scenarios where it bites me while I'm unemployed and getting ready to switch roommates (which could potentially be enough of a pain as it is).

So I have not done any writing as yet today, and I'm debating what I can squash in before going to martial arts class. Because I need to punch and kick at something. And then small group.

But I did send my info to another temp agency. And I am not having to deal with small employee drama on top of my own :)

My word is lingst, which seems like it should be a sub-category of angst. Relating to what, I don't know. (Lingering angst from...the recent full moon?)

pen said...

Thanks for the commiseration, ladies. :) Being emo really is hard work!