Friday, December 15, 2006

tiny annoyances in the hormonal mind of penelope

bathroom: tiny spots of mildew on walls, rust on the shower baskets. next time will rustoleum/treat paint for molds, but in the meantime--who has the money or time to redo?

also: still haven't cleaned bathroom. just the shower. which is already looking funkified again.

temporarily this morning: lost belt. like, how do you lose a belt. there are only so many places a belt can go.

found belt: in a place i had already looked twice.

black dog: muddy paws, tracks into kitchen. brown dog: no muddy paws. makes me suspect evil-doing of yardian nature by black dog.

christmas shopping: done, but--where is everything? silent curses to amazon and lure of free super-saver shipping. imagine self wrapping in last-minute frenzy next week for hours on end.


Anonymous said...

You've described my bathroom woes to the T. Additionally, two days ago, I discovered that the TiGi Honey Wheat shampoo had not been closed properly in the morning rush and, having been put back into the shower rack upside down, it had slowly but steadily dripped shampoo onto everything. Yuck.

Daniel Bruckner said...

Dearest Penelope,

I was wondering if I could make a small request. WOuldn't it be fun to do a Survivor Finale Preview Spectacular!?! With preshow analysis and answers to all the hottest questions, including:

'Who's your pick to win?'

'Can Ozzy be stopped?'

And the biggest question of them all, 'In the naked hot tub, do you think Yul really dropped Trou?'

mendacious said...

yah, i had a customer said she tried to order from amazon for them to say they couldn't deliver her stuff until february.

Anonymous said...

I had to order in three separate shipments from Amazon. Even though everything I put in my cart said it would be available by Christmas, one item "ships in 8 to 12 days." I had to dismantle my whole order, ship two separate ways and ended up buying one of the items from another seller. I thought Amazon was going to make it easier. Sheesh.