Friday, July 22, 2005

Confessions of a Clog Girl

Confessions of a clog girl...I just really like to say that. these are actually my second pair of clogs, albiet inferior from my originals that I actually got in Holland. I researched where I'd gotten them and I saved the info. So my third pair I'll get from the source, and not from Solvange. My first pair lasted me 10 years and bcs i abused them they finally met their end by splitting in the foot- when i watered i used to fill the clogs with water and slosh around in them. Well it just took a couple times where they dried out too fast and then, clogs no more, but matchsticks. This second pair however has already developed some horizontal stress fractures at the heel, for no apparent reason, as i have been very good to these clogs, despite their pointy toes and their roughly hewn interior. maybe they know that they're inferior. It's possible. Have i mentioned that clogs have fantastic arch support and because the wood is poplar (a soft wood) it actually conforms to your foot. Yes, good times i know. So this whole clog talk (heh) began when I was watching the movie about BASQUIAT. (David Bowie is really quite fantastic in it by the way.) One of the last scenes is Basquiat shuffling around the streets of NewYork in clogs, and to be ironic of course he labeled the poor clogs "titanic"... and i thought, i don't even need herion to be ironic and wear clogs. That made me feel good, and proud of my strangeness- Originality, it's the anti-drug you know. (that and a lack of insecurity, unfettered rage and despair.)

1 comment:

Somebody's Mom said...

It is the simple things isn't it.